Armenian font photoshop

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A solar deity also associated with thunder. Omens: Passive: Character wage reduction. Proposed name change to: Erez (Erēz) Eriza is a much later Greek version of the name. Active: Ruler Popularity gainįertility deity, associated with cattle sacrifice. Alternatively, place his holy site at 1570 Armaouira, to be renamed Armawir. Propose to create a separate province across from 7845 Tordan (T'ordan) as part of the larger Ekeghiats (Ekełeac') religious centre.

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Primary holy site: Ani-Kamakh (Ani-Kamax), important religious site and one of the royal necropoli of Armenia.

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War deity, fourfold (Creator, father, thunder god, and ruler of heaven, earth and underworld.

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